Thursday, 15 May 2008


I've been asked to write a little about myself so that other students at Hogwarts, who don't know me very well, can get to know me better. Creative Writing is not really my thing and I never come top in the History of Magic, all that essay writing just gets me down....
I was born to Muggle parents but sadly they were both swept away by a freak Tornado a few years ago just before I came to Hogwarts and I no longer know where they are. I do not have any Brothers or Sisters, just a couple of Cousins that I have not seen for years so I spend the holidays at Hogwarts, helping out in the Kitchen and in the Grounds to earn my keep.
I love most subjects at school but my favourite by far is Arithmancy, at which I excel. I love a challenge and never take the easy route in life or in Knitting. I don't like games though and play Quidditch only because I want to make sure that Ravenclaw wins the House Cup. When I am not being forced to play Quidditch you will find me in the farthest, quietest corner of the Library with my nose buried in a Crime Novel.
For the past few weeks I have been stricken by a mystery illness that has removed all desire to knit. I have scoured the library for a cure for this illness, a potion or a charm to reduce its effects - but I cannot find anything. My needles lie unused in their bag and my stash is un-fondled. I hope I can recover by the end of term, Dark Chocolate Bounty Bars might help...... Until I find a House Elf to knit for me, I am researching the weird and wonderful things created by Muggles in honour of Hogwarts and posting them on my Blog. I hope to earn extra credits in Muggle Studies for this from Miss Burbage. Each week you will find something to make you gasp with astonishment, so keep your eyes on Miranda Moonstone.


Charlotte kaae said...

love the look on your blog