Friday, 30 May 2008

Quidditch Quiz & Scavenger Hunt

I'm really struggling to keep up with all my homework this week and I'm now behind on my Muggle Studies project but somehow I found the time to get the answers to the Quiz done so here they are.

1. Which of Arabella Figg’s cats ran out from under the car?A. Tibbles

2. Which of the following is NOT one of Albus Dumbledore’s middle names?A. Ignatius

3. Which educational decree introduced a High Inquisitor to Hogwarts?D. 23

4. Apart from Harry, Ron and Hermione, who was the first person to enter the Hog’s Head that showed an interest in Harry’s Defence Against the Dark Arts classes?B. Neville Longbottom

5. In the first Quidditch match of the year which player attempted to score first?A. Angelina Johnson

6. What kind of bush does Harry hide behind to listen to the news?B. A hydrangea bush

7. Why is Mundungus Fletcher disguised as a woman when he witnesses the DA (Dumbledore’s Army) meeting in the Hog’s Head pub?B. He was banned from the Hog’s Head pub 20 years ago.

8. When Harry and Cho go on their first date to Madam Puddifoot’s in Hogsmeade, what is it decorated with for Valentine’s Day?A. Golden cherubs and pink confetti

9. How old is Sturgis Podmore and where does he live?A. 38 and number 2 Laburnum Gardens Clapham

10. What did Fred and George Weasley do to Montague?A. Forced him head-first into a Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor.

Friday, 23 May 2008

Working too hard..

First there was the Ravenclaw House Quiz - Can you keep a secrit? The headquarters for the order of the Phoenix is at No.12 Grimmauld Place.

This led me to my English Grammar books and a search to see if 'Headquarters Is' or 'Headquarters are'. After a long slog I finally found out that Headquarters is a noun which can be used with a singular OR a plural verb but the plural is more common. So Minee could have technically used either but it was really the peculiar spelling of 'secrit' that really had me struggling. Got there in the end though!

Then there was my Muggle Studies Extra Credit homework. This week we had free choice of topic so I decided to learn about Memorial Day as our Roommate dis-apparated at the weekend saying she would be back after it was over. Here's what I learned:-

Memorial Day is a holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May (observed in 2008 on May 26). It is a holiday for American Muggles, British Muggles have something called the 'May Bank Holiday' instead. It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who have died in military service to their country. It began first to honor Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. It is also traditionally viewed as the beginning of summer by many, since many schools are dismissed around Memorial Day.

Imagine that - school finishing at the end of May - some kids have all the luck. Here at Hogwarts term won't finish until the end of July.

Many American Muggles observe this holiday by visiting Cemeteries and Memorials. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 9 p.m. US Eastern time. Another tradition is to fly the USA flag at half-mast from dawn until noon local time. Volunteers place an American flag upon each gravesite located in a National Cemetary. In addition to remembrance, Memorial Day is also a time for picnics, barbecues, family gatherings, and sporting events. ( that must be the event our room-mate is attending) Some American Muggles use Memorial Day to also honour any family members who have died, not just servicemen.

I tiried hard to find something funny or weird about Memorial Day but alot of the humour is contentious so I settled on this from IndyStar.Com

Nuff Said.....

Monday, 19 May 2008

Big News in our Dorm!

Well goodness! One of my roomates has disapparated! Emma Dumbledore told us yesterday that she would be 'out of town' until the day after Muggle Memorial Day and then she vanished in a puff of green smoke! Even though I am doing Muggle Studies Extra credit I have no idea what Memorial Day is so I will have to nip off to the library and find out why she's gone. In the meantime Agatha Ackerley and I are planning a few surprises for her when she gets back.....I think an Apple Pie Bed is in order here.....

The can't knit-itis is easing up a little I slog my way through my Magical Knitting project row by row. It seems quite dull compared to others I have seen but I am hoping that the novel construction and shape will earn me some extra credits this term.

Thursday, 15 May 2008


I've been asked to write a little about myself so that other students at Hogwarts, who don't know me very well, can get to know me better. Creative Writing is not really my thing and I never come top in the History of Magic, all that essay writing just gets me down....
I was born to Muggle parents but sadly they were both swept away by a freak Tornado a few years ago just before I came to Hogwarts and I no longer know where they are. I do not have any Brothers or Sisters, just a couple of Cousins that I have not seen for years so I spend the holidays at Hogwarts, helping out in the Kitchen and in the Grounds to earn my keep.
I love most subjects at school but my favourite by far is Arithmancy, at which I excel. I love a challenge and never take the easy route in life or in Knitting. I don't like games though and play Quidditch only because I want to make sure that Ravenclaw wins the House Cup. When I am not being forced to play Quidditch you will find me in the farthest, quietest corner of the Library with my nose buried in a Crime Novel.
For the past few weeks I have been stricken by a mystery illness that has removed all desire to knit. I have scoured the library for a cure for this illness, a potion or a charm to reduce its effects - but I cannot find anything. My needles lie unused in their bag and my stash is un-fondled. I hope I can recover by the end of term, Dark Chocolate Bounty Bars might help...... Until I find a House Elf to knit for me, I am researching the weird and wonderful things created by Muggles in honour of Hogwarts and posting them on my Blog. I hope to earn extra credits in Muggle Studies for this from Miss Burbage. Each week you will find something to make you gasp with astonishment, so keep your eyes on Miranda Moonstone.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

How cute is this?

Golden Snitch, originally uploaded by Eudocia.

Harry Potter Cow Reaches London

Harry Potter Cow, originally uploaded by RahulG..

For some reason this amuses there another unregistered Animagus among us??

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Award for the Strangest Costume Goes to.....